Yoga is not about the poses, and even less so about complex pretzel twists or crazy circus-like antics. That said, I´m a sucker for an arm balance. You see, every time I pull off one of these, I feel like a freaking goddess. I really do. I feel strong, and powerful, and happy, and joyful, and free! Because, heck, why shouldn’t I? It took me a lifetime to get to this point of self-love and empowerment inside and out, and I´m sure as hell going to enjoy it.

Also, I get a kick out of showing doctors photos of these poses when they tell me I need to back off of the yoga and step up the weight-bearing exercises to stave off bone loss. Ha! If this stuff isn´t weight-bearing, I don´t know what is! My latest bone density scan was actually great. No osteopenia or osteoporosis for me just yet. Probably thanks to great genes, a lifetime of workouts and HRT.
I´m four years away from 60, and I do not take my body, mind or spirit for granted. Just yesterday I was going through a photo album and I realized so many of my friends are dead. Some were younger than me. Then there´s the other set of friends who are dealing with crippling and even terminal diseases. I have no less than four good friends undergoing chemo.

Since I have no idea when life or even death are going to get in the way of these shenanigans, I see zero reasons to limit what I challenge myself to accomplish. I had a huge health scare a year ago (a near-brush with colon cancer) that jostled me into finally getting my yoga teacher certification. It was the best decision ever. And there´s just no stopping now.

There are plenty of younger and stronger teachers out there who can manage crazier and more complex poses, so it´s not my goal to teach this kind of thing. It is, however, what I enjoy practicing for my mental, emotional and physical health. Just because today, right now, I can. If and when the time comes when I cannot pull these off, I will always have the exhilarating memories to carry me forward.
Also, my young kids are watching, and I want them to know that anything is possible at any age.