After a lifetime of bodywork, including asana yoga or yogasana, I know how important it is to have a strong core and good balance.
Lorraine C. Ladish
Lorraine C. Ladish
I’m a 21st. Century Communicator, helping empower women and others to achieve their goals. I am the founder and CEO of Viva Fifty! a bilingual community that celebrates being 50+. I’ve worked as an editor and social media coordinator for a number of online publications. I’m a content creator and regular contributor to NBCNews, Huffpost, AARP, Babycenter and I’ve contributed to People en Español, La Palma of The Palm Beach Post, Purple Clover, Latina magazine and Redbook . My latest book on embracing age was published by HarperCollins in 2017. But most of all I am a woman, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a writer, an entrepreneur, a yogini.
At nearly 56, I finally and fully realize that THIS in and of itself, and as much as I enjoy it, is…
Yoga and meditation are absolutely wonderful and changed my life. But for those of us who have a chemical imbalance in our brain, it’s not enough.
I love asana, but I am in love with the eight limbs of yoga, particularly with the Yamas and Niyamas, which provide us with tools to lead a conscious life.
Mudras are hand gestures or hand positions that have the purpose of channeling the body’s energy flow in a certain way. Gyan Mudra is one of my favorites.
I fell in love with restorative yoga four years ago and recently became certified to teach it. These poses with bolsters or pillows will help you sleep.
I find that a gentle restorative yoga practice helps me feel better physically, mentally and emotionally while still taking care of myself.
Asana was originally lotus or half lotus pose, and later evolved into yoga poses designed to keep the body limber and the mind focused to meditate.
It is possible to increase your energy and enhance your mood through asana yoga. Here are three advanced poses to try.
I used to think restorative yoga was a waste of time and energy, until I started reaping its benefits. You should try it too!