The first time I saw photos of people doing restorative yoga on bolsters I thought, “what a waste of time.” I was sooo wrong. Now that I’ve experienced the benefits for almost four years and am certified to teach restorative, I’m a big fan.
This, I do in addition to my challenging asana practices. See the same twist on just a bolster in the pin (you can also use pillows – that’s what I do when traveling).
Twists help the body and mind detox and restorative yoga, where the point is to eliminate muscle engagement w props, stimulates the vagus nerve to promote the rest and digest response from the body.
Done in the evening, these poses prepare you for a good night’s sleep.
Play some relaxing music, maybe use lavender essential oil on your wrists or in a diffuser.
Focus on your breath and either set a timer for a few minutes on each side or count your breaths. Twenty breaths is a good place to start.
Let me know how it goes!