The difference between asana yoga and other types of bodywork is simple. And it may be different for everyone.
Lorraine C. Ladish
Lorraine C. Ladish
I’m a 21st. Century Communicator, helping empower women and others to achieve their goals. I am the founder and CEO of Viva Fifty! a bilingual community that celebrates being 50+. I’ve worked as an editor and social media coordinator for a number of online publications. I’m a content creator and regular contributor to NBCNews, Huffpost, AARP, Babycenter and I’ve contributed to People en Español, La Palma of The Palm Beach Post, Purple Clover, Latina magazine and Redbook . My latest book on embracing age was published by HarperCollins in 2017. But most of all I am a woman, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a writer, an entrepreneur, a yogini.
Yoga is not all about the poses, but in my fifties, arm balances make me feel strong, joyful, happy and free. I see no reason to stop challenging myself.
Yo pensaba que era incapaz de sentarme a meditar. Pero resulta que lo que necesitaba era dedicarle más tiempo. Tú también puedes.
To prove that challenging oneself has nothing to do with age, I´m sharing a photo of Pauline, 81, and a photo of myself, 55, doing the same asana.
Many people believe they are not good at meditating. I was one of them! What helped me get out of that mindset was actually trying it!
I’ve learned that one’s best can look quite different over time. But it always feels the same!
Ayurveda is traditional Hindu medicine, and I’m hooked on it! These five simple Ayurvedic lifestyle changes have improved my life significantly.
Your flaws can become your biggest asset if you are willing to own up to them, embrace them and channel them!